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Season Registration
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     Nevada Youth Recreational Baseball

NYRB, formerly known as Nevada Little League, began in 1989 with the coordinating efforts of Mike Beeman, Gary Jones and Wilson Liter. 
NYRB is for children currently in 3rd through 9th grades.  Teams are broken down into the following age groups:  3rd & 4th grade, 5th & 6th grade, and 7th, 8th, and 9th grades.  Games are played at Centennial Fair Grounds on Liter and Jones Fields.
Why We Do What We Do!
NYRB is a youth baseball organization providing recreational baseball to children in the 3rd thru 9th grade.  Our mission is to teach children valuable lessons such as teamwork, discipline, pride in accomplishments, sportsmanship, goal setting and that hard work creates positive outcomes.
NYRB is sponsored in part with
funds from the United Way.

***If you would like to apply to work in the concession stand, Umpire, or volunteer to be a coach click on the link to download the application and turn in to any board member.



Hot News


Player Evaluations will be held Saturday March 29th at the Nevada High School Auxilliary Gym

7/8/9 grade - 8:30am

5/6 grade - 11:30am

3/4 grade - 2pm

Arrive 20 minutes before your time to get signed in.  Bring a glove and wear tennis shoes. No cleats allowed in the gym.

We need volunteers.  If you are interested in helping please get in touch with one of the NYRB Board Members listed in the contacts.


   Check our facebook page for rain delays. 

Nevada Youth Recreational Baseball (Missouri) on Facebook

The NYRB Web Site is provided with help from Richard Bartz and World Visions Internet Services, LLC.  For professional web development, hosting and management please contact them at wvis.net



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